Page 97 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 97

Chapter 6

               LOCAL GOVERNMENT

               The  Local  Government  Department  existed  in  the  district  at  the  time  of
               independence,  and  was  headed  by  an  Assistant  Director  then.  It  was
               massively reformed in 2017, and a Deputy Director was posted at the district
               level. In addition, 4 Assistant Directors were posted at tehsil level for the first
               time.  At  present,  the  sanctioned  staff  strength  for  the  district  office  is 20
               whereas 7 seats have been sanctioned for each tehsil office. There are 111
               union councils and as many secretaries. The functions of the union councils
               include  registration  of  deaths,  births,  marriages  and  divorces.  The  union
               councils are also responsible for the cleanliness as well as provision of clean
               drinking water in their respective jurisdictions.
               The first local government institution, the District Board, was established in
               Muzaffargarh in 1887 under the Punjab District Board Act 1883. It had 30
               members amongst whom 20 were non-official and 10 were official members.
               The membership was enhanced to 40 in 1909 owing to the addition of the
               Tehsil Layyah to the district; of this 28 were non-official and 12 were official
               members.  There  were  local  boards  in  the  4  tehsils  too,  but  those  were
               abolished in 1913. In 1923, elections were introduced and the constitution
               of the District Board was set as follows:

                               Ex-officio       6
                               Nominated        6
                               Elected          24
                                      Total     36

               The first general elections were held in 1924. The Deputy Commissioner was
               the ex-officio chairman of the District Board, whereas the vice-chairman was
               elected annually. The activities of the District Board extended to Education,
               Medical,    Public   Health,   Agriculture,   Veterinary   Services,   and
               Communications.  The  system  continued  till  the  year  1959  when  it  was
               replaced  by  the  Basic  Democracies  system.  Under  the  system,  87  Union
               Councils,  7  Union  Committees,  6  Town  Communities,  2  Municipal
               Committees, 4 Tehsil Councils and 1 District Council were established. The
               details of the membership were as follows:

                                                Elected    Nominated     Official   Total
                 District Council                 10           10          20        40
                 4 Tehsil Councils                93           35          40       168
                 2 Municipal Committees           7            4            3        14

   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102