Page 95 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 95

Chapter 5


               District  Regional  Transport  Authority  was  established  in  Muzaffargarh  on
               August 14, 2001, with the Deputy Commissioner, as its head primarily to
               regulate the affairs of the public transport in Muzaffargarh. It comprises 7
               staff members including a Secretary, who exercises the executive functions,
               and a Motor Vehicle Examiner.

               C class (Municipal) stands: 2

                        Kot Addu

               D class (Private) stands: 5

                        Kot Addu
                        Shah Jamal
                        Qasba Gujrat

               Interestingly, there is no approved stand in the Muzaffargarh city to cater for
               public needs.  A project of establishing a C class stand was therefore revived
               in 2019, and civil works were initiated on a site closer to Yadgar Club. At the
               same time, for the long term solution of the traffic and transport issues, a
               proposal for establishment of bigger bus stand on Mehmoodkot Road, outside
               the  city  area,  has  been  incorporated  in  the  master  plan  of  Muzaffargarh
               which  was  being  implemented  as  part  of  the  Punjab  Intermediate  Cities
               Improvement Investment Program by the Asian Development Bank funding.

               As regards the permits issued/renewed in the Financial Year 2018-19, the
               performance of the DRTA has been as follows:

                        Bolan                109
                        Pick-up              504
                        Renewal of permits  160
                               Total         773

   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100