Page 96 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 96

Similarly, the fines imposed/collected over the Financial Year 2018-19 for
               various violations/offences amounted to Rs. 1,552,600.

               There had been an innovation in the functioning of DRTA in Muzaffargarh
               lately when an Accidents Review Committee was constituted with effect from
               January  1,  2019,  comprising  Secretary  District  Transport  Authority,  DSP
               Traffic, Sub-Divisional Officer (Roads), District Emergency Officer (1122) as
               well  as  Assistant  Commissioner  and  Sub-Divisional  Police  Officer  of  the
               concerned  tehsil.  The  secretariat  of  the  committee  was  established  in  the
               office of the Secretary District Transport Authority. The committee started to
               review each and every accident taking place within the jurisdiction of each
               tehsil of Muzaffargarh on site, which resulted in any death or serious injuries,
               and took or suggested the remedial action. Furthermore, the data so collected
               was to be continuously analysed to identify the pattern, causes, trends and
               vulnerable sites of road accidents so that long term preventive and corrective
               actions could be taken or recommended accordingly.
               Another achievement which the DRTA Muzaffargarh have had in 2019 was
               the fact that it was instrumental in placing a ban on use of CNG/LPG as fuel
               in  the  public  service  vehicles  by  the  Oil  and  Gas  Regulatory  Authority
               (OGRA). In view of the increasing number of deadly accidents taking place
               due to illegal and faulty fitting of CNG/LPG cylinders in such vehicles, the
               DRTA  took  up  the  matter  with  the  Secretary,  Transport  Department,
               Government  of  the  Punjab  on  May  21,  2019.  It  was  contended  that  the
               cylinders were being fitted beneath the rear seats in complete violation of the
               Motor Vehicles Rules 1969 and Compressed Natural Gas Safety Rules 1992,
               endangering  lives  of  the  passengers.  It  was  therefore  proposed  that  a
               complete ban should be placed in fixing  of cylinders inside the passenger
               compartment  or  beneath  the  rear  seats  in  public  service  vehicles.  The
               Secretary Transport Department in turn referred the  matter to the OGRA,
               which  vide its letter dated July 17, 2019 conveyed its concurrence to the
               proposal  and  instructed  all  the  provincial  governments  as  well  as  the  IG
               National Highways & Motorway Police to start a crackdown against public
               service  vehicles  having  CNG/LPG  cylinders  fitted  inside  the  passenger
               compartments.    A  campaign  was  started  accordingly.  However,  the
               instructions so issued by the OGRA were later on suspended by the Lahore
               High  Court  on  a  petition  filed  by  the  All  Pakistan  CNG  Association.  The
               matter was still sub judice at the time of the finalization of the gazetteer.

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