Page 73 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
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tehsil. The object of this restriction had been to prevent the destruction of
               timber, required as fuel in the old days when the Indus flotilla still plied on
               the river; it had become almost a dead letter, though occasionally used as an
               engine  of  oppression  by  the  tehsil  subordinate  staff.  It  was  therefore
               Schedule of Payment
               In all the estates assessed by crop-rates, the revenue on the matured crops
               was  paid  after  each  harvest.  In  the  estates  under  fixed  assessment,
               installments  had  been  fixed  to  meet  the  wishes  of  the  revenue-payers:  in
               most cases although the Rabi was the more valuable harvest of the two, they
               preferred to pay two equal installments. The dates for the Kharif were from
               the 15th of December to the 15th of January, and for the Rabi from the 15
               of June to the 15th of July. The revenue was to be paid by the 15th of August,
               by which date the crops had been sold. The assessment on mangoes was
               payable with the Kharif.
               Assignments of Land Revenue
               The assignments of land revenue in Muzaffargarh were generally very small
               sums  in  favour  of  religious  or  charitable  institutions.  Some  of  the
               assignments were forfeited in previous years, in cases where the institutions
               for the upkeep of which the grant was made had long been allowed to fall
               into ruin and the assignees were spending the revenue on themselves. After
               the promulgation of the West Pakistan Land Reforms Regulation No. 64 of
               the year 1959, all assignments of Land Revenue were stopped in the district.
               Period of Settlement
               The 3  settlement of the District Muzaffargarh was completed in 1920-25
               and the period of settlement was fixed for 40 years vide Government memo.
               No 2939-R, dated the August 19, 1933. This term was to expire in the year
               1956. It was stipulated in the Settlement Report that the settlement would
               come to an end before the expiry of 40 years in case the area of this district
               was extended to irrigation facilities by means of weir controlled canals. Three
               irrigation projects namely: (i) Haveli Project-Rangpur canal (ii) Thal Project
               and (iii) Taunsa Barrage Project were introduced in the district in the years
               1938-40;  1950-52  and  1956-58  respectively.  However,  no  increase  in  the
               assessment  was  made  at  the  time  of  the  introduction  of  Haveli  Project-
               Rangpur Canal in the areas irrigated by this system. The previous fluctuating
               assessment  of  the  last  settlement  of  the  year  1920-25  was  allowed  to
               continue  and  only  occupier  rate  i.e.  Abiana  of  the  Rangpur  canal  was
               increased on special orders of the Government. Again in the year 1932, 211
               villages  from  the  various  assessment  circles  of  Tehsil  Muzaffargarh  were
               transferred from fixed assessment to fluctuating assessment with effect from
               Rabi 1933 vide Government memo No. 3040-R, dated December 17, 1932.
               The rate of assessment, however, remained the same, the maximum being
               Rs. 4 and minimum Re. 1/- per acre of the irrigated area. In some cases,
               minimum assessment per acre was as low as 50 paisa. At the advent of the

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