Page 7 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 7

comes next with 1,346,687. Alipur, with a population of 639,748, is the least
               populated sub-division.  The breakdown of the population is as follows:

                             Tehsil           Rural         Urban         Total
                        Muzaffargarh        1,384,478      239,994      1,624,472
                        Kot Addu            1,092,775      253,912      1,346,687
                        Jatoi                555,432       159,144       714,576
                        Alipur               595,299        44,449       639,748
                               Total        3,627,984      697,499      4,325,483

               The over-all literacy level in the district is 47.11%.  In urban areas, it goes as
               high as 73%. The literacy level is higher in men: 58% of men are literate as
               compared  to  35.69%women.  As  regards  the  educational  qualifications,
               40.9% are below primary, 24.91% are primary, 15.14% are middle, 10.31%
               are  matriculates,  3.99%  are  intermediate,  whereas  4.75%  have  acquired
               higher qualifications.

               The mother tongue of majority of the people is Seraiki, i.e. 88.23%, whereas
               Punjabi  is  spoken  by  5.66%  and  Urdu  by  4.51%.  A  small  percentage  of
               people, i.e.1.07%, identify Pashtu as their mother tongue.

               The  population  is  overwhelmingly  Muslim  with  99.78%  people  professing
               Islamic faith. Christians come next at .18%. Most of the Christians reside in
               rural areas of Kot Addu, especially around Chowk Sarwar Shaheed. There
               are 24 registered churches in the district; 3 churches are in the city area of
               Muzaffargarh; 2 are located in Rangpur; 3 within the limits of Police Station
               Kot Addu; 3 in Daira Din Panah (Kot Addu); and the rest in Chowk Sarwar

               Qadianis  and  Hindus  are  much  less,  i.e.  .03%  and  .01%  of  the  total
               population of Muzaffargarh respectively.
               Since  Muzaffargarh  is  largely  a  rural  district,  most  of  the  people  are
               associated  with  agriculture  or  related  pursuits,  in  one  way  or  the  other.
               Muzaffargarh is one of the four main mango growing districts of Punjab; the
               other  three  being  Multan,  Bahawalpur  and  Rahim  Yar  Khan.  Similarly,
               Muzaffargarh,  along  with  Multan  and  Bahawalpur,  constitute  date-
               producing zone of Punjab. Earlier, cotton was also grown in the district on
               large  scale  but  once  sugar  industry  started  flourishing  here,  the  farmers
               shifted to sugarcane production. At present, there are 4 sugar mills in the
               district, of which one is non-functioning since 2017. Except for these sugar
               mills, industry  is not well established here. There are 6 power generating
               units though. The district, however, takes pride in housing the biggest oil
               refinery of the country, i.e. PARCO’s Mid Country Oil Refinery. Another worth
               mentioning feature of the district is that there are 2 barrages located in it:
               Taunsa has been built at Indus while Panjnad is there on the Chenab. The

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