Page 4 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 4


               Dear readers

               Let me admit at the outset that compiling the gazetteer turned out to be more arduous task
               than I had ever imagined. No other work has taken so much of my time, and efforts, than
               anything else ever done by me as Deputy Commissioner in all the districts I had the honour
               to serve. But I am happy that the entire exercise has further enhanced my affection for, and
               strengthened my bond with, Muzaffargarh.

               While  working  on  the  gazetteer,  many  times  I  wondered  how  the  pre-partition  deputy
               commissioners were able to undertake such an enormous task, and that too without having
               computers and instant modes of communication on their disposal. I have started respecting
               them for their professionalism even more.
               The most difficult part had been extracting information from various district departments as
               surprisingly enough, it was not readily available with them. Even on persistent follow-up, they
               were either unwilling or simply incompetent to provide information pertaining to them. In
               fact, none of them was found to be in the practice of compiling, updating and maintaining any
               reliable  data  related  to  them.  All  of  this  gave  me  greater  insight  into  the  professional
               decadence we are currently facing in public sector. Almost all the heads of departments whom
               I  asked  to  provide  information,  considered  it  a  burden,  and  that  too  unwanted  and
               unwarranted. As if this was not enough, more often than not, the provided data was not correct
               and therefore had to be returned for checking and resubmission. In nutshell, the data and
               other information used in this gazetteer is as good or bad, and authentic, as provided by the
               relevant department.
               I may also clarify here; we had asked for the data from the departments up to the conclusion
               of Financial Year 2018-19 but not all the departments complied with the instruction correctly;
               different departments have used different timelines to submit the data.   In any case, by the
               time this gazetteer would reach you, given the time lapse between compilation and printing,
               the data would have already changed, at least to some extent.

               Let me also say here that even though I did my best to avoid grammatical, linguistic, factual
               and statistical mistakes but then at the end of the day it was a product of human effort, which
               cannot be perfect. So pardon me if you find one, or more. In fact, bring them to my notice and
               I would try to get them fixed in next editions. This gesture on your part would rather be
               considered a favour.
               Similarly, many of the terms used in the gazetteer, especially in the chapter on land revenue,
               are  local  and  may  be  unfamiliar  for  our  readers,  particularly  the  foreigners.  If  needed
               therefore,  you  may  seek  clarification  on  email,  and  we  would  be  happy  to  reply.  Even
               otherwise too your comments and feedback are welcome.

               Material from previous gazetteers has been used, updated and reproduced at some places,
               especially while compiling the chapters related to land revenue and history, as had been done
               by the authors of earlier gazetteers. A major difference of this gazetteer from the previous
               ones, however, is that in the earlier versions, the history chapter did not have much details

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