Page 63 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 63

(3) the genealogical table;
               (4) the index of owners;
               (5) the index of fields;
               (6) the record of rights itself, including all mutations decided up to the time
               of attestation by the Naib Tehsildar;
               (7) the mutations decided after the preparation of the last Jamabandi;
               (8) the statement of revenue assignment;
               (9) the statement of rights in wells;
               (10) the order of the Settlement Officer determining the assessment; and
               (11) the Settlement Officer's order of the distribution of the assessment.
               In  addition, a separate record  of rights was prepared for date palms. The
               enumeration of the trees curtailed much time trouble; and, where the palms
               grew  thickly  in  large  groups,  the  count  probably  was  not  accurate.  In  a
               number  of  estates,  the  trees  were  counted  three  times  or  more,  and  the
               difference  each  time  was  considerable.  As  a  result  of  these  mistakes,  the
               assessment actually imposed did not agree with the proposals submitted by
               the Settlement Officer, nor with the orders passed by the Government. It was
               necessary not only to count the trees, but also to grade them into different
               classes, each tree paying a different assessment according to the class in
               which it was graded. Many mistakes in this classification, made either with
               intention or by accident, were detected, but many more must have passed
               unnoticed since supervision of the patwaris was very difficult. The number
               of  palm  trees  in  the  record  of  rights,  together  with  a  comparison  of  the
               numbers of trees at last Settlement, is given in the statement below:

                   Name of        No. of    No. of old palms at 2      3  settlement
                    Tehsil       villages        settlement
                                            Females      Others      Females     Others
                 Muzaffargarh      332       469395     2096729      602372      135923
                    Alipur         167       173116      563686      281095      127763
                   Kot Addu        147       188345      827040      339513      424580
                    Layyah         115       65932        9875       80517       12590

                     Total         761       896789     3407330     1303497      700856

               At last settlement a separate jamabandi of mango trees was also prepared,
               but with some misgivings the Settlement Officer had recommended that it
               should be abolished and the details incorporated in the ordinary record of
               rights. Both the jamabandi of mangoes as well as of the palms had never

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