Page 60 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 60

fluctuating assessment by crop rates in the Thal circle and  ghair-mustaqil
               part of the Pacca circle of the Tehsil Muzaffargarh with effect from Rabi 1933.
               The system of assessment on mangoes, palms and grazing was maintained,
               though the rates were raised in some cases. The total estimated assessment
               of the district was raised by 8 percent as a result of the re-assessment.
               Mr. Anderson, the Settlement Officer, in his report on the special assessment
               of two circles of the Tehsil Muzaffargarh pointed out that the Kharaba rule
               with two anna (12 Paisa) gradations had not worked well. In estates under
               fluctuating assessment, the big owners used the rule to buy Kharaba from
               the Patwaris. Mr. Anderson  conclusively  proved that the  new rule was  so
               abused  that  whatever  its  theoretical  advantage  might  be  in  practice,  its
               application had been invariably unsatisfactory. He therefore recommended
               that old rule should be introduced under which any crop better than an eight
               anna (0.50 Paisa) crop paid full assessment, whereas a crop of less than four
               annas was counted as a complete failure. Government had accepted these
               proposals with the further modifications that a crop between eight and twelve
               annas (0.50 and 75 Paisa) would get one-fourth remission and a crop of more
               than twelve annas (0.75 Paisa) would pay full assessment.
               Orders  of  the  Government  were  also  received  regarding  the  secure  and
               insecure areas, suspension and remission rules of land revenue on the small
               area under the fixed assessment and rules for protective leases of wells.
               The following information, with minor adjustments, has been taken from the
               final settlement report of 1925 of Mr. J.D. Anderson which will give fuller
               particulars of various points tackled in this Settlement.
               Revision of Record
               The measurements made at last settlement were, as a rule very accurate in
               the canal-irrigated parts of the three southern tehsils where the country was
               open  and  it  was  easy  to  layout  the  squares  which  were  the  basis  of
               measurement.  Along  the  Chenab  riverain,  where  there  was  seldom  taller
               growth, the same system was finally successful though creeks and protective
               embankment  has  been  improved.  In  the  Indus  riverain,  where  at  last
               settlement there was heavy jungle, the measurements were inaccurate, so
               much so that several villages had to be measured after settlement without
               much improvement because the only system then available was unsuited to
               the natural conditions. At the first regular settlement, the whole Thal had
               been surveyed on the squares system; on account of its vast size, its sands
               dunes  and  the  hardship  undergone  in  the  desert  by  the  surveyors,  the
               measurement was very inaccurate, the error in parts of the Kot Addu Thal
               being more than two miles. At last settlement, this expensive and useless
               labour was not again undertaken, and only the cultivated land around the
               wells was measured, no efforts being made to plot the position of the wells.
               The district, for the purposes of measurement, thus fell into three parts (1)
               the canal villages, in which there had been little change since settlement and
               the old maps were accurate; in these maps correction could be carried out

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