Page 62 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 62

settlement, the wrong measurements both alter the shapes of the fields and
               place them in wrong positions. Through the fault of the system, although an
               owner might be in undisturbed possession of his entire field, he would be
               shown as a trespasser in half the area in his possession and as having lost
               the half of his rightful field from the trespass by his neighbour on the other
               side. The result was a nightmare map and a record full of numbers which
               had no existence in fact, but were created in a mad attempt to reconcile two
               sets of measurements, preference being given to that which was known to be
               wrong. Mercifully, the faults in this system were detected sufficiently early
               for the work to be corrected, or, where necessary, to be done a second time.
               Later,  the  following  procedure  was  adopted;  on  the  receipt  of  the  plotting
               sheets from the Survey Department, sufficient fixed points were laid down to
               enable  the  patwaris  to  plot  out  the  squares  and  fields  of  the  old
               measurement. They then went to the spot and measured the estate in the
               ordinary way in the presence of the landowners, who were called on to declare
               any disputed boundaries. There never were any since in the riverain estates
               the memory of the owners was tenacious, and trespass was never permitted,
               no one ever tried to take advantage of the old inaccurate measurements, and
               to do so would usually have been suicidal since invariably what would have
               been gained on one side of the number was lost on the other. Whereas by the
               old  system  the  real  fields  found  on  the  spot  were  changed  to  make  them
               conform to the old mistakes, by the new system the records were brought
               into conformity with the real fields.
               Remeasurement and Revision

               Except in the Thal, fields were prepared in all estates and parts of estates
               safe  from  riverain  action.  In  a  few  estates  in  the  three  southern  tehsils,
               revision  was  found  to  be  impossible,  and  re-measurement  was  made  by
               squares. Everywhere else revision was found suitable, and was carried out
               in the usual way.
               In addition to the copy of the maps prepared for the tehsils, tracings on wax
               paper were made for the patwaris of all riverain estates for use in matters of
               alluvision and diluvion. Every patwari was given a tracing on cloth for crop
               inspection, etc.
               Index maps on the scale of 240 karams to the inch were prepared for each
               purt sarkar. During the first year duplicates were also made, but later on
               were given up as unnecessary. Maps on the scale of 960 karams to the inch
               were made for each village notebook.
               Record of Rights
               The following documents were included in the Record of Rights:

               (1)  the  preliminary  proceedings,  citing  the  notification  of  the  Government
               sanctioning the new settlement, and giving the date of the beginning and end
               of the measurement and of the attestations by the different officials;
               (2) the field maps;

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