Page 17 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 17

As stated  in the beginning of the chapter,  the people  of Muzaffargarh  are
               superstitious by nature. So much so that the 1929 Gazetteer notes: “It would
               be difficult to find a more superstitious people in the world than the illiterate
               residents of this district. They are firm believers in jinns and the evil eye –

                                            Sap da khada bache dae,
                                            Nazar da khada nahin bachdae
                                            (The snake bitten escapes,
                                            He that is affected by the evil eye escapes not)”
               The 1929 Gazetteer also states that in consequence of this credulousness,
               Syeds, Qureshis, the keepers of shrines and any impostors who could inspire
               confidence derived a great trade in selling amulets. The trend continues to
               this day, though in a different form and manner.

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