Page 114 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 114

In public schools, passing percentage in the Grade 5 examinations during
               the year 2019 remained 93.91 and 94.89 for boys and girls respectively. In
               private schools, this percentage was 92.95 for boys and 94.85 for the girls.
               Passing percentage of public schools in the Grade 8 examinations during the
               year  was  96.76  and  94.64  for  the  boys  and  girls  respectively.  In  private
               schools, the same remained 94.23 and 94.46.

               The biggest feat which the public schools in the  district achieved was the
               extraordinary results of matriculation exams. With a passing percentage of
               around  92%,  the  district  topped  the  tables  in  the  entire  province.  These
               results were attributed to efforts made under the ‘Examergency’ which the
               District Administration and District Education Authority had imposed in the
               District since January 1, 2019, till the conclusion of exams.

               High Profile Schools

               Some noteworthy schools of the district are detailed below.
               Sardar Kaurey Khan Public Higher Secondary School was established as
               a primary school on state land by the then District Council in 1983. It was
               upgraded  as  high  school  in  1994  and  higher  secondary  school  in  2001.
               Initially  the  school  was  run  by  the  District  Council  on  the  behalf  of
               Government of the Punjab itself but in 1991 it was declared autonomous and
               placed  under  a  Governing  Body  headed  by  the  Commissioner.  After  the
               promulgation  of  the  Punjab  Local  Government  Ordinance,  2001  the  DCO
               replaced  the  Commissioner  as  the  Chairman  of  the  Governing  Body.  On
               January 1, 2017, the DCO was re-designated as the Deputy Commissioner.
               The School has the honor of being the biggest school of the district, in terms
               of number of students, as currently around 4000 is studying there.

               Emine Erdogan Daanish CARE Girls School, Baseera was established in
               2014. After devastating floods of 2010, the building was constructed with the
               help of the Turkish Government; hence the name. The School is currently
               being run as a Public-Private Partnership between Government of the Punjab
               and the CARE Foundation, which is the leading non-profit organisation for
               education  in  the  country.  On  September  8,  2014,  i.e.  the first  day  of  the
               school, there were 13 teachers and 150 students. The number has grown
               since, and at present 100 teachers are imparting education to a total of 1600
               students.    The  school  is  affiliated  with  the  University  of  Cambridge
               Examination Board.

               Misali  Public  Middle  School  in  Tehsil  Muzaffargarh  is  a  unique  and
               trendsetter  school  in  the  private  sector  which  was  established  by  Mr.
               Muhammad Jamil Qureshi in 1988 as a low-cost boarding school with the
               aim of preparing students for admission in cadet and military colleges. Since
               its  establishment,  it  has  contributed  1828  students  to  such  colleges.  At
               present, 1202 students are enrolled in the school.

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