Page 109 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 109

               Most of the area of Muzaffargarh is rural in nature. In early days, cattle theft
               was common as the cattle heads could be easily shifted across the two rivers
               on both sides of the district. The trend and nature of crimes has changed
               over the time. Murder, dacoity/robbery, burglary, ordinary theft, narcotics
               trade, illicit arms etc. constitute bulk of crimes today. Street crime as well as
               vehicle snatching is on the rise too. It may also be noted that the Mukhtaran
               Mai incident had also taken place in Muzaffargarh, i.e. in Tehsil Jatoi, in
               2002, as a result of which, since then, reporting of gender crimes has surged
               substantially in the district.


                       OFFENCES                        TOTAL CRIME REPORTED
                                                        2017     2018         2019
                                                                         (up to 31.08.19)
                 1.    Murder                            123     113           62
                 2.    Rape                              352     318           155
                 3.    Dacoity/Robbery                   212     214           133
                 4.    Burglary                          300     423           153
                 5.    Ordinary Theft                    825     693           522
                 6.    Vehicles theft                    349     590           307
                 7.    Recovery of illicit Arms          404     474           545
                 8.    Narcotics                         706     786           842

                               CRIME OVERVIEW OF TEHSIL MUZAFFARGARH

                       OFFENCES                         TOTAL CRIME REPORTED
                                                        2017     2018         2019
                                                                         (up to 31.08.19)
                 1.    Murder                             41      34           29
                 2.    Rape                              153     144           67
                 3.    Dacoity/Robbery                    78      89           58
                 4.    Burglary                          126     188           70
                 5.    Ordinary Theft                    361     225           246
                 6.    Vehicles theft                    165     256           139
                 7.    Recovery of illicit Arms          116     174           208
                 8.    Narcotics                         283     320           353

                                CRIME OVERVIEW OF TEHSIL ALIPUR

                       OFFENCES                         TOTAL CRIME REPORTED
                                                        2017     2018         2019
                                                                         (up to 31.08.19)
                 1.    Murder                             24      20           12
                 2.    Rape                               54      45           25

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