Page 50 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 50

Proprietary and Cultivating Occupancy of Land
               The table below based on the Settlement Reports of 1901-02 and 1921-24
               shows the then cultivating occupancy of the land:

                                    Detail                     Cultivated Area percent
                                                                 1901-02     1921-24
                 1. Cultivated by owners                           41           45
                 2. Cultivated by tenants paying no rent            0           2

                 3. Cultivated by occupancy tenants                 8           5
                 4. Total Land Cultivated by tenants-at-will       51           48
                        Tenants-at-will paying cash rent            1           1
                        Tenants-at-will at revenue rates            4           2
                        Tenants-at-will paying other rents         46           45

               In the year 1952, Agrarian legislations were passed, by which the occupancy
               tenants were conferred proprietary rights for the area under them. In later
               years, the land lords had mostly taken up self-cultivation. In the Thal, where
               there  was  scarcity  of  the  tenants  in  the  previous  years,  the  owners  had
               started self-cultivation due to the development of the Thal area under the
               Thal and Taunsa Barrage Projects.
               The position of the proprietary and cultivating occupancy of land in 1964 is
               shown in the table below:
                                       Detail of tenancy               Percentage of
                                                                      cultivating area
                    1     Cultivated by owners                              48%
                    2     Cultivated by tenants paying no rent              3%
                    3     Cultivated by occupancy tenants                    -
                    4     Cultivated by tenants at will                     49%
                    5     Tenants-at-will paying cash rents                  -
                    6     Tenants-at-will at revenue rates                   -

               By 1963-64, the average holding in the district comprised 24 acres. Except
               on the wells round the towns, cultivation was too precarious for cash rents
               to  be  taken,  and  throughout  the  district  the  tenants  paid  a  share  of  the
               produce as rent. Indus land crops irrigated by lift used to pay one quarter
               after deduction of the menial’s dues; crops grown on flood water paid one-
               third. In the river Chenab lands the common rent was one half. There were
               special  rents  for  the  expensive  crops  such  as  cane  and  tobacco,  which

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