Page 103 - Muzaffargarh Gazzetteer
P. 103

Chapter 8


               The prosecution services in the country used to be part of the police until
               2002, comprising law graduates of the ranks of sub-inspector, inspector and
               deputy  superintendent.  After  the  promulgation  of  the  Police  Order  2002,
               these  services  were  separated  from  the  police  and  brought  under  the
               respective law departments of the provinces. Within the next few years, all
               the four provinces had established their own prosecution departments. In
               2006, the Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions and
               Powers) Act 2006 paved the way for a separate and independent Prosecution
               Department in Punjab.  its office was established in Muzaffargarh in 2007,
               and Ch. Nisar-ul-Haq was appointed as the first District Public Prosecutor.
               At present, there are 20 public prosecutors serving in the district, i.e. the
               District Public Prosecutor assisted by 8 Deputy District Public Prosecutors,
               and 11 Assistant District Public Prosecutors, among whom 2 are women.

               The  over-all  workload/performance  of  the  office  of  the  District  Public
               Prosecutor Muzaffargarh during 2019 remained as under:

                 Number   of   FIRs   Number   of   challans   Number   of   challans   Number of cases decided
                 registered        submitted to the courts   declared not fit for trial
                       10918              5290               326               4217

   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108