Page 19 - 6 math-4
P. 19

41. .InQteugaedrrsatic Equations                                                       e Leeleaar rnn. P.puunnj ajabb
                                                                                         version: 1.1
   addition of integers.
•	 Multiplication of integers

   (i)   The product of two integers of like signs is a positive integer.
   (ii)  The   product   of   two  integers of unlike signs is a negative
•	 Division of integers
     (i)    If  both the integers have like signs the quotient is positive.
     (ii)   If  both  the  integers   have   unlike   signs   the  quotient is  

                        REVIEW EXERCISE 4

1.	 Draw the number line to represent the following numbers.
   (i)  - 4 to 3                (ii)   - 1 to +6               (iii)  - 5 to +5

2.	 Write the numerical values of given integers.
     (i)  - 6                         (ii)   - 28                      (iii)  + 43

3.	 Arrange the given integers in descending order.
   (i)  -10, -1, +1, -6, 0                (ii)  +3, -3, +4, -4, +2, -2

4.	 Prove that
   (i)  (+11) + (-6) = (-6) + (+11)   

     (ii)  [(+1) x(-2)] x (-3) = (+1) x [(-2) x (-3)]
     (iii)  (-7) x (-8) = (-8) x (-7)

   (iv)  [(-24) + (-13)] + (+27) = (-24) + [(-13) + (+27)]

5.	 Fill in the boxes.
      (i)   (+ 43) - (-18) = (x)      	 	      (ii)     (x) - (+11)  = (-31)     
      (iii)  (- 52) - (x) = (-24)                    (iv)     (+ 123) - (+87) = (x)  

6.	 Simplify the following.
     (i)    (-182) ' (+ 14)                             (ii)   (+345) ' (+23)  

      (iii)   (+1221) ' (-111)                         (iv)  (-4140) ' (345)       

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