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41. .InQteugaedrrsatic Equations                                                              e Leeleaar rnn. P.puunnj ajabb

                    2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 x 2 = 16
 The rules for multiplication of integers are given below:
 Rule 1: Integers with like signs
 The product of two integers having same signs is always positive.
 For example:

 Rule 2: Integers with unlike signs
 The product of two integers having opposite signs is always
 negative. For example:

 Example: Find the product of the following pairs.
     (i)  +13 , +9         (ii)  -11 , +11            (iii) -8 , -7          (iv)  + 25 , -6


                        EXERCISE 4.4

1.	 Fill in the boxes.                          (ii)     (-9) xx = 81     
       (i)   (+ 6) x (- 3) = x         	 	
      (iii)  (- 2) x (+ 8) = x                         (iv)    xx (+11)  = 121   
      (v)  x x (- 7)  = (56)        	           (vi)    - 25 xx = - 75      
(vii)  (-) x (-) = x                               (viii)    (+) x (-) = x

                                            15                                                version: 1.1
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20