Page 5 - 11-Math-3 Matrices and Determinants
P. 5

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matrix A. For example,               aaa.a....13.24...1111...............aaaa......1342...2222...............aaaa.....1.342...3333................aaaa...1324. 4444     , in the matrix the entries of the principal diagonal
                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                     

are a11, a22, a33, a44 and the entries of the secondary diagonal are a14, a23, a32, a41.
          The principal diagonal of a square matrix is also called the leading diagonal or main

diagonal of the matrix.

Diagonal Matrix: Let A = [aij] be a square matrix of order n.

           If aij = 0 for all i ≠ j and at least one aij ≠ 0 for i = j, that is, some elements of the

principal diagonal of A may be zero but not all, then the matrix A is called a diagonal matrix.

The matrices

	                                      1          0   0                                                                                                                0   0     0  0
	                                                  2                                                                                                                     0  1     0
                                 [7], 0          0   0 and                                                                                                           0   0     2  0 are diagonal matrices.
                                                                                                                                                                         0  0     0
                                       0             5                                                                                                                             0

Scalar Matrix: Let A = [aij] be a square matrix of order n.

         If aij = 0 for all i ≠ j and aij = k (some non-zero scalar) for all i = j, then the matrix A is

called a scalar matrix of order n. For example;

             a    0  0         3 0 0 0
                   a             0                  0
7   0        0  0  0    and  0   3         0     0   are  scalar                                                                                                        matrices        of  order  2,  3  and  4  respectively.
0  7                       0  0         3
          ,   0     a 
                                      0 0 3

Unit Matrix or Identity Matrix : Let A = [aij] be a square matrix of order n. If aij = 0 for all

i ≠ j and aij = 1 for all i = j, then the matrix A is called a unit matrix or identity matrix of order
n. We denote such           matrix       by         n  and      it                                                                                                    is  of  the      form:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        version: 1.1

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10