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5. The Halogens and the Noble Gases                                        eLearn.Punjab

                      Table 5.3 Oxides of Halogens

FLUORINE              CHLORINE                       BROMINE               IODINE

Oxygen difluoride, OF2 Dichlorine monoxide, CI2O     Brominemonoxide,Br2O  Iodine tetraoxide, I2O4

Dioxygen difluoride,O2F2 Chlorine dioxide, CIO2      Bromine dioxide,BrO2  Iodine iodate, I4O9
                                                     Bromine trioxide,     Iodine pentoxide,I2O5
Trioxygen difluoride  Chorine hexaoxide, CI2O6       BrO3,(Br3O8)

                      Chlorine heptaoxide.Cl2O7

Oxides of Fluorine

Trioxygen Difluoride, O3F2
This oxide can be prepared
when a mixture of fluorine
and oxygen is subjected
to electric discharge. At 363 °C,
it is a dark red viscous liquid but
turns to reddish brown solid
at 350 °C. On decomposition it
gives oxygen and other oxide of

                    2O3F2 → 2O2F2 +O2

O3F2 reacts with F2 in the presence of electric discharge to produce O2F2

                    2O3F2 +F2 →3O2F2


The oxides of chlorine are generally unstable. It is not possible

to synthesize them by direct combination of the elements

Cl2 and O2. They have extensive industrial use as commercial
bleaching agents for wood, paper- pulp and for water treatment.

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