Chemistry Grade 9
Select Topic
4.1 Why do Atoms Form Chemical Bonds
4.2 Chemical Bond
4.3 Types of Chemical Bond
4.3 Types of Chemical Bond
4.3.1 Ionic Bond
4.3.2 Covalent Bond Types of covalent bonds Single Covalent bond double Covalent bond Triple Covalent bond
4.3.3 Dative Covalent or Coordinate Covalent Bond
4.3.4 Polar and Non-polar Covalent Bond
4.3.5 Metallic Bond
4.4 Intermolecular Forces
4.4 Intermolecular Forces
4.4.1 Dipole-Dipole Interactions
4.4.2 Hydrogen Bonding
4.5. Nature of Bonding and Properties
4.5. Nature of Bonding and Properties
4.5.1 Ionic Compounds
4.5.2 Covalent Compounds
4.5.3 Coordinate Covalent Compounds
4.5.4 Metals