Chemistry Grade 9
Select Topic
3 Introduction
3.1 Periodic Table
3.1 Periodic Table
3.0.1 Dobereiners Triads
3.0.2 Newlands Octaves
3.0.3 Mendeleevs Periodic Table
3.0.4 Periodic Law
3.0.5 Modern Periodic Table
3.0.6 Long form of Periodic Table
3.0.7 Salient Features of Long Form of Periodic Table:
3.1.1 Periods
3.1.2 Groups
3.2 Periodicity of Properties
3.2 Periodicity of Properties
3.2.1 Atomic Size and Atomic Radius
3.2.2 Shielding Effect
3.2.3 Ionization Energy
3.2.4 Electron Affinit
3.2.5 Electronegativity