Biology Grade 12
Select Topic
27.1 Renewable and Non-Renwable Resources
27.1 Renewable and Non-Renwable Resources
27.1.1 Renewable Resources
27.2 Degradation and Deplition of Resources
27.2 Degradation and Deplition of Resources
27.2.1 Modification of Environment
27.3 Man,s Impact On Environment
27.3 Man,s Impact On Environment
27.3.1 Population, Food and Need of Population Control
27.4 Deforestation and Afforestation
27.4 Deforestation and Afforestation
27.4.1 Importance of Forests
27.5 Pollution
27.5 Pollution
27.5.1 Air or Atmospheric Pollution
27.5.2 Greenhouse Effect
27.5.3 Acid Rain
27.5.4 Water Pollution
27.5.5 Eutrophication or Algal Bloom
27.5.6 Industrial Effluents
27.5.7 Insecticides and Herbicides and Fertilizers
27.6 Health and Diseases